Sunday, January 28, 2007

Black Hand vs. Al Queda

In comparing the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand and the attack on the World Trade Center by Al Qaeda, there are many similarities and distinct differences. The primary similarity includes the relationship between the victims and the targets. As with any attack labeled as “terrorism”, the victims of either attack were not the true targets. The Black Hand attack was targeting the government of Austria-Hungary. Al-Qaeda was not targeting the workers of the World Trade Center, but the U.S. government and the world population.

Another important similarity between the attacks was their effectiveness. Both attacks caused dramatic changes to government policies and international relations around the world.

Finally, where these attacks differ the most are the types of victims targeted. Franz Ferdinand was an Austro-Hungarian government official, while the workers inside the World Trade Center were mostly not directly associated is the U.S. government. While this difference does not justify one attack more so than the other, many people (including myself) believe that targeting civilians for political gain is much more heinous and monstrous.