Monday, April 2, 2007

Stalin's Hymn

In this hymn, the author seems to worship Stalin. Why? Well, just from off the top of my head, I can come up with three possible reasons:
1) He truly loved Stalin. Believe it or not, there was a time (however short) when many Russians really did have hopes for the leadership of Stalin. While most probably didn't have quite the adoration as exemplified by the author of this hymn - it can be assumed that there may have been some fringe Stalin-fanatics. This hymn could simply have been the work of one. Of course it didn't take long for all of the Soviet Union to become fully aware of what Stalin had in mind for them.
2) The author could have written it out of fear or out of the hope of winning Stalin's good graces. For a man as egotistical as Stalin appears to have been, what better way to show your loyalty to him than by writing a song that worships him like a diety.
3) The last possibility, which is also very likely. Is that this hymn was the author's own way of actually rebelling against Stalin. We've all received a compliment at least once in our lives that was way over-board, and said with a very obvious tone of sarcasm. Perhaps this hymn is the same sort of thing. If someone came up and began singing my praises like this person sang of Stalin's, I think I would be more than a little skeptical.

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